A meeting room with a Crestron controller, display, and computer.

Discover How a Crestron Dealer Transforms Corporate Environments

A meeting room with a Crestron controller, display, and computer.

Explore the World of One-Touch Automation

At M3 Technology Group, we help industry leaders in Nashville, TN, and the surrounding areas connect, collaborate, and communicate. Using state-of-the-art technology backed up by 20 years of experience, we help corporate clients expand their reach and scale up to next-level growth.

To achieve this, we partner with world-class brands committed to continual R&D, redefining what’s possible in corporate America. One of those brands is Crestron, the leader in commercial automation and video conferencing integration. 

Here, we’ll explore what working with a Crestron dealer means and how they can enhance your business in countless ways.

SEE ALSO: How Can Managed Services Elevate Your Business?

The Power of Crestron

Crestron’s goal is to create an environment that aligns with any activity in your business and to make today’s everywhere video conferencing a successful, collaborative experience. Accomplishing this gargantuan feat starts with the Crestron control system.

Imagine tapping a button and experiencing the perfect environment come to life around you. From lighting to music, shades, security, and other AV equipment, the ideal setting is born. Whether you need to share content during a video presentation, lower the shades and dim the lights for a remote meeting with a client, or adjust the temperature in a specific room, one touch on the Crestron controller activates the chain of events you’re looking for. 

This integrated experience exists in every room. Walk into a conference room scheduled for a meeting, and the display turns on immediately, the light levels change, and the temperature adjusts. These actions occur because this smart system knew a meeting was scheduled and that someone had entered the room.

Pressing a button, they connect with remote participants.

At M3 Technology Group, we use the power of Crestron to create unified systems, a seamless integration of all your technologies and protocols that results in one-touch activation and an experiential automated environment. 

M3 Vision & Managed Services

We provide M3 Vision Managed Services to ensure a seamless experience at all times. This service offers dedicated AV and IT support, from regular maintenance, remote monitoring, and troubleshooting to in-field repairs and resolutions. No matter the issue, our experts get you back to full speed in record time.

In many instances, our certified professionals become an extension of your team, supporting AV and collaborative presentation systems so that they can focus on their specialties. 

M3 Vision provides a proprietary all-in-one AV management system portal. This gives your team birds-eye view visibility, ensuring your company is taking full advantage of your AV systems for collaboration and operations.

At M3 Technology Group, we specialize in custom AV solutions for large corporations looking to advance. With the capabilities of today’s technology, the only limit is your vision. In fact, our mission aligns perfectly with Crestron’s mantra, “We make simple things easy and hard things possible.” To learn more about working with our AV experts and Crestron specialists, contact M3 Technology Group today.